

Cloud backup solutions enable businesses to store their data and information on a remotely located cloud server. To restore or update a file on cloud, a user needs to a web interface or hire a service provider. The files stored on the Internet can be accessed from multiple connected and distributed resources. Cloud back up storage is a secured environment wherein a user can regularly back-up its files on the cloud to keep its files safe and secured.

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Cloud Backup Benefits

Reduced Data Loss Risks

Recover from data loss due to all natural and human-made disasters (both intentional and unintentional).

Increased Efficiencies & Savings

Recovery data faster & better capacity planning significantly enhances your backup efficiency and reduces TCO.


Cloud backups helps you in meeting regulatory compliance's with a secure offsite backup of your valuable data.

Cloud Backups And Support You Can Count On

Protect your critical business data with our affordable and simple backup solutions.